Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Peringatan buat para isteri

Pada suatu petang, saya mendapat panggilan daripada hospital menyatakan seorang ibu muda mempunyai mata merah yang sakit dan tidak dapat membuka mata beliau. Setelah memeriksa beliau, saya mendapati, beliau mengalami sakit mata selamat 5 hari dan tidak beransur pulih dengan ubat yang diberi oleh tiga doktor sebelum itu. Semasa memeriksa mata beliau, saya dapati, selain daripada jangkitan virus dan yang menghairankan saya, selalunya infeksinya hanya melibatkan konjunktiva atau bahagian mata yang putih. Bagi pesakit ini, bahagian kornea atau bahagian mata yang hitam yang penting untuk melihat telah koyak dengan agak banyak sehingga menyebabkan beliau rasa amat sakit dan tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas. Saya terpaksa meletak ubat dan menampal kedua mata beliau dan memasukkan beliau ke dalam wad untuk pemerhatian rapi. Setelah melihat keadaan yang agak teruk bagi jangkitan yang selalunya mudah dikawal, hati kecil saya bertanya apakah hikmah ataupun rahsia di sebalik kejadian ini. Dengan kuasa Allah, saya menyedari bahawa beliau agak kasar dengan suaminya. Setelah dua hari di dalam wad dan beransur pulih, saya menasihati beliau secara tidak langsung tentang pentingnya sebagai seorang isteri solehah kita harus menjaga tiga perkara suami kita.

1. Mata beliau - sentiasa kelihatan cantik dan menawan dengan menjaga rupa paras dan berat badan.
2. Hidung beliau - sentiasa berbau wangi dan menjaga kebersihan mulut dan nafas supaya selesa apabila suami bercakap berdekatan dengan kita.
3. Telinga beliau - sentiasa mengeluarkan kata-kata yang manis dan pujian serta penghargaan, dan jangan sekali-kali kufur nikmat.

Beliau seterusnya memberitahu saya sebelum berlakunya sakit mata itu, beliau telah merajuk dengan suaminya. Beliau nampaknya insaf ketika memberitahu kisah ini dan mengakui bahawa setiap kali beliau berlaku kasar terhadap suaminya, tentu sesuatu perkara negatif akan berlaku terhadap beliau. Saya meneruskan menasihati beliau bahawa dalam kehidupan kita bahawa redha Allah bergantung kepada redha suami dan sebagai seorang isteri, hidup kita fokus untuk jadi isteri solehah. Dan jika mempunyai profession, jadi professional mukminah. Setelah berjumpa dengan beliau hari ni, beliau menyatakan bahawa beliau memang selalu memberitahu suaminya bahawa fokus beliau adalah untuk menjadi isteri solehah dan setelah peristiwa ini, semangat beliau untuk mencapai cita-cita ini bertambah kuat.

Saya bersyukur kerana di dalam setiap pesakit yang saya jumpai dapat mempelajari sesuatu dan menambah lagi kesyukuran apabila hati kita suka pada kebaikan dan takut pada kejahatan.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hadiah buat allahyarham Ayahnda Haji Mohamad Bin Haji Busu

Hari ini alhamdulillah telah menjalankan pembedahan mata keatas rakan karib Allahyarham ayahnda saya. Sebelum menjalankan pembedahan teringat kisah yang pernah didengar bahawa jika seorang anak berbuat baik kepada rakan baik atau orang yang disayangi insyaAllah malaikat akan menghantar dulang berisi cahaya dan mengatakan kepada ibu bapa kita ini adalah kiriman anak mu. Alangkah berbahagia nya orang yang mati dengan meninggalkan anak soleh yang mendoakannya. 

Juga nabi Mohammad saw pernah bertanya pada sahabat siapa kah orang yang muflis? sahabat menjawab mereka yang miskin. Nabi bersabda" Tidak mereka yang muflis ialah mereka yang mempunyai anak tetapi apabila mereka mati anak mereka tidak mendoakan mereka dan mereka tidak mendapat apa apa kebaikan dari anak mereka. 

Oleh itu penting kita semua merenung dan lihat samaada kita hidup untuk mencari pencen kubor kita iaitu 1. Anak yang soleh yg mendoakan kita, 2. Sedekah jariah, 3. Ilmu bermanafaat. 

Berbalik kepada pembedahan tadi ia agak mencabar tetapi berlaku dengan mudah. Rakan ayah saya ini seorang yang dermawan dan warak. Sekali lagi saya membuat rumusan bahawa amalan seseorang merupakan faktor penting didalam kejayaan pembedahan selai dari kecekapan doktor. Wallahuaalam

My eyes are red and painful

Today I met a patient with very red eyes and I diagnose him to have a severe intraocular inflammation and him  started on intensive eye drop medications. He progressed rapidly within a few hours and was given all the treatment and in the end we manage to abort his severe  inflammation.

 What amaze me is that everything went so well for him and and he gets things done perfectly for him. And as usual I try to get to know the patient and of course I found out that he is a very devoted Muslim and a good husband and dedicated executive.
I come to the conclusion that if we make sure that at every moment of our life we are good and beneficial to everyone God Almighty the most compassionate and most merciful will make things happen very well for us.  

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My LASIK patient

After having done more than 500 eyes for Lasik, I made some observation. 

The degree of optimism and cheerfulness is directly proportional to the success and gratefulness after the Lasik procedure. 

Some patients have a great deal of burning sensation and tearing up to 3 hours after surgery. This is the worse scenario. However, there are some who feels no sensation at all and has been comfortable throughout except for mild foreign body sensation which last for an hour. After so many cases, I find that, those who are relaxed, calm, optimistic are the ones who recover fast and do not have much pain and tearing. On the contrary, those who are highly anxious, full of fear, anxiety, doubt and fussy, tend to have more tearing and discomfort. It amazes me how some people who are so blind before surgery, with the power of 80D (800 Layman term) and their vision are restored to perfect within 4 hours after surgery are not as grateful as someone whose refractive error is much less (125) and yet so grateful and appreciative. Looking back at their personality before the surgery, I begin to correlate the degree of optimism and cheerfulness has a strong influence on the gratefulness and comfort of the surgery. There are some people despite the very marked improvement in their vision, from being blind without glasses to perfect vision without glasses within one day, instead of focusing on being able to see, they will complain of slight glare of the light, which of course will disappear after 1 week of medication. Despite being able to work the next day, they will find reasons to complain of small glare and do not focus on being grateful for such marked restoration of vision. Today I was fascinated by a radiologist, who had Lasik yesterday and her power was so minimal and yet she was so grateful. Looking at her personality and the life she's having (having a good husband, having healthy children, going overseas with 3 year paid leave), I came to a conclusion of the more grateful we are at every moment of our life for every small joy that Allah gives us, the more things to be grateful will be coming to us. 

I can see clearly now

Today, I had the privilege of operating on a 60-year old man who was blind in both eyes due to cataract. It took too long for him to see a specialist in the government hospital, luckily for us, our centre has charity funds for the unfortunate to seek treatment. Both operations which was carried yesterday and today went so smoothly despite the advanced stage of the cataract and he had the latest technique that required no suture and implanted with the latest intraocular lens giving him almost perfect vision from being able to see only shadows in the right eye and able to count fingers at 3 feet in the left eye to almost 95% vision in both eyes just one day after surgery. After having done so many cataract surgeries, my learning point is:

Whenever someone is very close to God and have been doing good deeds and contributing to others in one's life time he will be rewarded with the best solution for any problem that he might have. 

In this case, he was given the best treatment at one of the best medical centre for free which others would have paid RM 11,000 for both eyes. As he was an ex-deputy headmaster of a school, I am sure he has sown many seeds of success in other people's children. In addition, apart from his good contribution to mankind, he is also an obedient servant of Allah and spent his time learning the holy books,

In a nutshell, what you sow is what you reap, if you help someone with the intention of pleasing Allah, someone else will help you when you are in need. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Formula for maintaining Good Human Relationship

 Formula for maintaining good human relationship
To me every human is a divine being. I treat everyone with utmost respect and be a good finder, not a fault finder. When you meet someone imagine that it is your first and last time to meet the person. Make others like themselves a little bit more and they will like us forever. Say good things to everyone you meet, remember their names and call them their names even if they are general worker. 

Be genuinely interested in everyone you meet. Be an interactive listener. Let them talk about themselves. Let your friends excel you do not excel your friend. Always appreciate, acknowledge and do not criticise when you meet a person. Whenever you meet someone always find something nice about them to compliment. Treat others better than you want to be treated. Smile genuinely. Smile with your eyes and your body.  Find something good about others and say it out. 

Monday, June 28, 2010

How to become a good and successful medical student

1. Have I made the correct decision?

¨ Yes, you have. Being in the medical field, is one of the best field to give service to mankind. The person most loved by god is the person most beneficial. Being in the medical field, we are always useful in whatever situation. A doctor does not need an office, an organization to serve. A doctor is useful anytime, anywhere and to anybody. If you are one person whose life purpose is to serve others, then you have definitely made the correct decision.

2. Can I be a doctor one day?

¨ Sure you can! It all depends on your intention. A good intention will give good results. If your intention is to serve others, then you have all the power of god almighty, to achieve your ambitions. Whenever we do something with the intention to serve rather than thinking of what’s in it for us, you can be sure that god’s help and blessing will be with you all along. Once God’s help is with you, you will attract people, circumstances and situations that will help you to become a doctor. This may come in the form of doing well in your exams, getting the scholarship and the place in the university as well as passing all exams easily. It will cost you to have inspired actions, which will results in phenomenal success in whatever you do. Have full faith that with God, everything is possible.

3. What are the important traits to become a doctor?

¨ The most important thinking is a very positive mental attitude. One of the most important assets is that they must have a lot of compassion where a doctor has to put others before himself and always wanting things for others more than himself.

Life as I see it

Many times I've been asked questions like, what inspires me in all my endeavors. So my answers to these kind of questions are based on three purposes in my life as a muslimah.

1. To be the servant of Allah.
2. To be a khalifah.
3. To do things in my circle of influence according to the rules and regulations of Allah.

Whatever I do, I make sure it is in alignment with these 3 purposes. As a servant to Allah, we do not question Allah's order. As a muslim, we have to love our muslim brothers and sisters the way we love ourselves apart from loving non-muslims. So in whatever I do, I like to treat others better than the way I want to be treated. In this act, I do things to the best of my ability in almost all circumstances. As a khalifah, I have to lead myself, my children and my organization as well as my community. In order to be a leader, I have to have certain qualities that will be exemplary in nature to those under me. In this contact, I try to lead by example.

Specific DNA make-up or genetic that Allah has bestowed upon me that is unique to me. I use my strength and talent to serve mankind with integrity, empathy and the highest quality in whatever I do.

I see myself as a teacher to medical students and post-graduate students in ophthalmology. As a professional eye surgeon I strive to practice preventive, curative and rehabilitative eye service. This is made possible by appearances in the media. Another passion that I recently develop in personal and professional development where I would like to develop myself and help to develop others to have a living skill, to be happy and successful in this world and hereafter. I believe, we should work hard on ourself to serve better in our work. If we help enough people get what they want, we will get all that we want in this world.

"Life is a boomerang. In order for us to be happy, we have to make others happy. What we want for ourself, we give to others first. In other word, what we give is what we get, and we cannot give what we do not have."
  • To be successful, we have to make others successful.
  • To be happy, we make others happy.
  • To be healthy, we make others healthy.
Be the change you want in others according to Mahatma Gandhi. To achieve the highest peace of mind, we have to do three things:

1. High integrity
2. Treat others better than the way you want to be treated
3. Go the extra mile. There is no traffic jam.

Three principles of life.
1. Have
2. Give
3. Get

Have good, give good, get good. So if we get bad, it means that we have given bad and we can only give bad if we have bad inside us. Hence, to have a good life, work at developing goodness in our heart and start giving love and kindness, peace and joy.